Centro Medico EuropaVia Kassel n.c 17/15 - 50126 Firenze

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    Highly Qualified Specialists

    Professional Approach

    Best Compression Underwear

    Perfect Quality Materials

    Discover a New You!

    Welcome to Clinic!

    Plastic surgery, also known as reconstructive surgery can repair and restore appearance and function that has been lost. Trust our plastic surgeons to assist you with your reconstructive surgery requirements.

    High Qualified Specialists

    Professional Approach

    Best Compression Underwear

    Perfect Quality Materials

    Discover a New You!

    Welcome to Clinic!

    Plastic surgery, also known as reconstructive surgery can repair and restore appearance and function that has been lost. Trust our plastic surgeons to assist you with your reconstructive surgery requirements.

    Our Doctors Are High-Level Professionals

    Our doctors are SPECIALIZED general practitioners or in their final stages to become general practice specialized.
    our doctors
    contact information

    Dedicated Support at Every Step!

    Our Doctors are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you!

    4 Goldfield Rd.

    Honolulu, HI 965657


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    0 800 123 45 67

    RSS SIME – Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica

    • Addio a Marco Gasparotti
      È con enorme dispiacere che annunciamo la perdita del collega e stimato professionista Marco Gasparotti, chirurgo plastico che ha contribuito in maniera decisiva alla storia della lipoaspirazione. Sempre vicino alla ... Leggi tutto
    • Rinnovo Consiglio Direttivo SIME
      In occasione del 45° Congresso della Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica, è stato rinnovato il Consiglio Direttivo della SIME. L’Assemblea dei Soci Ordinari, tenutasi sabato 11 maggio 2024, ha eletto il nuovo Consiglio Direttivo della ... Leggi tutto

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