Centro Medico EuropaVia Kassel n.c 17/15 - 50126 Firenze

I trattamenti per la vostra Bellezza

per farvi sentire naturalmente belli


The surgery went fine, and I was extremely happy with the outcome! For the best experience, you should be able to trust your doctors and completely rely on their expert opinion. Here, you will be able to find exactly this.

Amy Walker

Amy Walker

What matters to me the most is the individual approach, patience, and understanding because your health is everything. Well, these doctors have it all for the perfect experience and impeccable results. Thank you so very much!

Jennifer Lee

Jennifer Lee

This clinic is probably one of the best that I have ever been to. Great services, various procedures, affordable cost and, of course, highly professional staff. Thank you for the amazing job that you do for your clients!

Melissa Hunter

Melissa Hunter

RSS SIME – Società Italiana di Medicina Estetica

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